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25 Dec 2021 Colossians (Program #46)

Colossians (Program #46) – The Peace of Christ Arbitrating in our Heart

Allow me to ask a somewhat probing question. Are you at peace with God? Well, if you have received Christ as your redeemer and savior, there’s absolutely no reason not to be. Now, the same question with a twist. Are you at peace with all of God’s people? Aha, it’s not so easy to say, is it? Invariably within His one Body, there are and will be fractions and situations. These can ultimately lead even to more divisions and schisms within the body. So certainly, this is a serious matter. If we are enlightened a little, we know that we need Christ to make peace between us and God. But, how do we manage to make peace with His dear saints, His believers? By His mercy, we’ll get much help on today’s life study of Colossians.
