Archive for the Category ◊ Romans ◊

08 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #50)

Romans (Program #50) – Reigning in Life Over Satan

If you want to hear a striking, encouraging and practical word on reigning in life over Satan, please listen to this message and follow it carefully.  We can in our regenerated spirit, by the Christ who is our life and the life of the Body, be victorious over and reign over Satan.

The Bible shows us three big enemies to our Christian life and no doubt we all desire to overcome them. But of these three: sin, death and Satan, surely Satan himself is our most formidable adversary. How to overcome him is our focus on today’s Life-Study of the Bible.

07 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #49)

Romans (Program #49) – Reigning in Life Over Death

Today we look at a death, a kind of death that plagues every believer and we by grace of God can rule or reign in life over that death.

Death is a very real and powerful adversary against mankind.  But there is not only the physical aspect of death to be concerned about.  The Bibles shows that death is operating in us every day.  How can we overcome it?

06 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #48)

Romans (Program #48) – The Meaning of Reigning in Life

We need to see that man is the battle field.  Satan as sin is in man’s flesh.  But God in Christ as grace is in man’s spirit.

The book of Romans gives us perhaps the clearest definition of God’s full salvation.  One such defining section is chapter 5, where eventual we are brought to reigning in life in verse 17.  What is it to reign in life?

05 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #47)

Romans (Program #47) – Reigning in Life by Grace

The Bible is the book of life.  Genesis tells us about of all kinds of created life.  The gospel of John tells us how to receive and live in the divine life.  Romans reveals how we can reign in life even today.

For several programs now we have been discovering what it is to be saved in life as promised in Romans 5:10.  Today we want to go even further; to see that not only are we saved in His life, but eventually we will reign in life.  Reigning in life is the focus of today’s life study.  Only one verse in the Bible uses this phrase “reigning in life” and that is Romans 5:17…

04 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #46)

Romans (Program #46) – Saved in Life from Self-Likeness (2)

Today we come to Romans to see Christ in a new way as the firstborn Son of God, and to see our experience of Christ in a new way as His many brothers.

Today’s message is going to touch a verse in chapter 1, verse 4, dealing with designation and also connected to Romans 8:29 where we see the firstborn Son and the many brothers. We don’t often think of Christ as the Firstborn, I think it’s more normal for us to consider Him the only begotten from John 3:16.

It’s very good that we came in our study of Romans to this point where we are considering Christ as the Firstborn. This is distinguished from Christ as the eternal Son of God in John chapter 3 and many other places. Here He is the firstborn Son of God. This has to do with His status among the many born. We are the many born sons of God, He is the firstborn Son of God. more…

03 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #45)

Romans (Program #45) – Saved in Life from Self-Likeness (1)

Sometimes our environment seems terrible and hard, but we need to remember this verse, “All things work together for good” (Rom. 8:28). The “good” in this verse is that we would be transformed and conformed to the image of Christ.

Romans chapter five unveils our salvation in two marvelous aspects. We have been reconciled to God eternally by the death of Christ on the cross, but much more we shall be saved in His life. It’s this “much more salvation” that we’re going to look at again today on the life study of the Bible.

02 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #44)

Romans (Program #44) – Saved in Life from Divisiveness

In practicing the church life and the Christian life revealed in the book of Romans, we need to be exercised to keep the oneness by receiving with grace, all genuine believers in Christ, even as God in Christ has received us.

We are going to talk a lot today about the tendency in human beings to be divisive.  Of course, this is really just an extension of our tendency toward individualism.  Individualism is something that we esteem quite highly actually in our American culture.  I think we view it more as a virtue in that context at least.  Why is it not such a virtuous thing, in our Christian life, our church life?

01 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #43)

Romans (Program #43) – Saved in Life from Individualism

Salvation is a very comprehensive term.  It involves taking sinners all the way from being redeemed and regenerated to be being glorified with Christ in His glory.

We are going to look again at Romans 5:10 today.  This has become quite a favor verse in the life study of Romans.  We seem to come back again and again.  One of the significant aspects of this verse is that it refers to both our objective salvation, accomplished by Christ’s death and our subjective salvation, which is by the operation of His life.  Why do we need a salvation that is both objective and subjective?

31 Jan 2024 Romans (Program #42)

Romans (Program #42) – Saved in Life from Naturalness

Romans can be summarized three words: redemption, life and building. The matter of life is stated clearly in Romans 5:10 “…much more we shall be saved in His life”. If we don’t know life and building, we’re missing two-thirds of God’s salvation.

Romans is arguably the definitive book of the Bible regarding Christian doctrine but we’re finding out that it is much more than that. It is really a book opening the way for all of us, as believers in Christ, to enter into the rich experience of the saving life of Christ everyday.

30 Jan 2024 Romans (Program #41)

Romans (Program #41) – Saved in Life from Sin and Worldliness

We can draw water from the wells of salvation and we can be saved day by day in His life. The Bible is a book of life. The gospel of John reveals Christ as life to us but Romans brings us fully into the experience of this life.

This is easily one of the most important portions of the Bible for our Christian life. What is the most marvelous relationship that we’re going to see between the gospel of John and the book of Romans? John shows us that Christ as life meets the need of every man’s case – whatever our case is, whatever kind of need we have, whatever kind of condition or situation we’re in – Christ as life meets our need! But John doesn’t show us in particular the way we can experience Christ as life.  more…
