Archive for September 3rd, 2022

03 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #28)

Psalms (Program #28) – The Desolation of God’s House and Christ as the Solution

The apostle Paul writing in his epistle to the Colossians is the very interesting phrase related to the Holy Word, the Bible.  He told them that God had imparted to him the task of completing the Word of God.  Actually we know from history that there were other books added to the canon of Scripture that were written after Paul’s fourteen epistles.  So we need to understand Paul’s word in the sense that his writings were a conclusion not to the written record but to God’s divine revelation.  The books that came later like Revelation and John’s epistles merely strengthened and confirmed that divine revelation.  All this is to day that the divine revelation has a progressive aspect to it.  more…

03 Sep 2022 Revelation (Program #27)

Revelation (Program #27) – The Treading of Jerusalem and Testimony of the Two Witnesses

In Matthew chapter 17, when the Lord Jesus was being visibly glorified in front of Peter, James, and John, verse 3 says “And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Him.”

For that very monumental event, the Lord Jesus wanted these two representatives of the Old Testament dispensation of the Law and the Prophets to be present. But they are not through yet, because Revelation reveals that these two will appear again during the fearsome days of the Great Tribulation in Jerusalem.
