Blog Archives

03 May 2024 2 Corinthians (Program #10)

2 Corinthians (Program #10) – The Ministers of the New Covenant (3)

The apostle Paul speaking about himself prior to his salvation refer to himself as the chiefest of sinners or the foremost of sinners, yet this one who had been the great persecutor of the church eventually becomes the chiefest among the apostles.

How did God accomplish such a reconstitution of Paul?  Was it His miraculous work transforming him in an instant? Or was it the constituting work of the Spirit over many years?

2 Corinthians chapter 4 is the key chapter in providing answers to this profound question.

28 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #139)

Exodus (Program #139) – The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (9)

As Christians we all know that our salvation in Christ is presented throughout the pages of the New Testament.  The gospels show us the savior in His humanity and the epistles open up the content of God’s eternal plan and purpose.  So why then do we even need the Old Testament?  Is it just for the stories and lessons that we can learn by studying the inspirational lives of great men?  The answer must be an emphatically “No”.  For it is in the Old Testament that we can see  many details concerning Christ and our own experience of Christ that cannot be seen in the New Testament.  These details like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle when properly assembled present us the most complete picture of the riches of a genuine life in Christ.  Don’t miss today’s life study of the Bible.

03 Mar 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #4)

1 Corinthians (Program #4) – Christ and His Cross the Unique Solution (1 & 2)

The Bible reveals that all believers have been called by God. If we were not for this calling we were never be saved. Salvation is not something we can stumbled into on our own

But what we have been called into? 1 Corinthians chapter 1 tells us  “God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Our calling is into the fellowship of His Son. But 1 Corinthians also tells us that the greatest frustration to that fellowship is division. Division became the problem in the 1st century church. And look today how great this problem is to the fellowship that should be our day by day enjoyment and experience. A fellowship that is in Christ and that should be universal among all the members of His one Body. The fellowship of His Son is our topic today.

13 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #55)

Romans (Program #55) – Designation by the Spirit of Holiness

Romans 10:12 says, “The same Lord is Lord of all, and rich to all who call upon Him.” Whenever we call upon the dear, sweet name of our Lord Jesus, He is the life-giving Spirit, applies all of His unsearchable riches to us, thus transforming us from sinners in the flesh to sons of God in the spirit for the Body of Christ.

In God’s plan of salvation, we begin as sinners. And upon our believing into Him, we experience His forgiveness. But God’s goal is not just to have forgiven sinners; His goal is to have sons. For sinners to become sons, we need the riches of God’s salvation applied to us, and that’s the focus of our Life-Study of the Bible today.

23 Sep 2023 Romans (Program #18)

Romans (Program #18) – Sanctification in Life

Salvation is a much bigger word than we might have thought.   It solves not only man’s problem of sin but also God’s problem concerning the satisfying of His divine attributes, of righteousness, holiness and glory.

In today’s life study, we will have a brief but very descriptive review of the three major areas of the first half of Romans; that was our justification, sanctification and glorification.  God’s salvation includes all three of these.  But it seems that we focus primarily on justification and then rapture when we will be glorified with Him.  Why is the matter of sanctification has been either overlooked or much misunderstood in the history of the church?

16 Sep 2023 Romans (Program #11)

Romans (Program #11) – The Gift in Christ Surpassing the Heritage in Adam

We praise the Lord for His redemption, that He redeemed us judicially, but there is much more. He wants to save us day-by-day in His life by the dispensing of His life into us. This is the much more Christian life.  Our salvation begins with God forgiving us of all of our sins, but His full salvation includes much more than this. It includes His life freeing us from the power of sin.

This is a tremendous life-study because we move into a significant new section of Romans.  So far, we’ve seen God’s condemnation and His justification. The first few chapters of Romans unveil God’s condemnation on mankind generally, then on the self-righteous particularly, then we see His condemnation on the religious specifically, and finally on all the world totally. more…

10 Sep 2023 Romans (Program #5)

Romans (Program #5) – The Vanity of Religion and the Totality of Hopelessness

Paul is saying here, “My gospel is for God’s economy, but to do that, you don’t need religion. It’s not a matter of outward practices, it’s not a matter of just not doing or doing certain things – it’s a matter of getting into God’s salvation.”

We are going to look today at God’s condemnation as is presented in Romans chapter 1. Why is it important for mankind to have a realization of God’s condemnation? more…

27 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #32)

Acts (Program #32) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (24)

As Christians today, we likely take it for granted that anyone, despite their background or race, can freely take the salvation afforded by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. But, it wasn’t always that way. The opening of the door of the gospel to the Gentiles or non-Jewish world was a significant and difficult transition in God’s move on the earth. We will consider this key turning point in God’s move on today’s life study of the Bible.

25 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #30)

Acts (Program #30) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (22)

In Acts 1:5, the Lord told the disciples that they would experience a baptism of the Holy Spirit. This event, occurring exactly 2 times in the New Testament, has been debated, analyzed, promoted, and profoundly misunderstood.  Was it intended only for the ancient disciples? Is it a special experience supplemental to our initial salvation intended for us? Or is it a matter of importance on a scale much larger than just our own personal experience? We will get a very penetrating look today on the life study of the Bible.

19 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #24)

Acts (Program #24) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (19)

The real Gospel preaching is preaching from the Word of God with Christ, His person and His work as the center, and always paying attention to the leading of the Spirit by remaining in fellowship with Him moment by moment.

The book of Acts relates many marvelous stories of the experiences of the first-century believers. These stories can entertain but more important, they are a pattern, an example to us that we see from the church life as the Lord initiated it on the earth. One such story is that of the Ethiopian eunuch, and how Philip happened upon him and lead him to a full and meaningful salvation. We will pick up that story and all its meanings for us on today’s life study of the Bible.
