Blog Archives

02 May 2022 Hebrews (Program #68)

Hebrews (Program #68) – Living According to the Nature of God

Today in Hebrews, we will see once again that it is normal for man to live not by outward regulations, but by the very life of God within him.

As Christians, we often speak of how much God needs us. And it’s true. God does need us for His purpose and His plan. But, what is it that He needs from us? Does He really need us to do things for Him? or is He more concerned not for what we do for Him, but what we are in Him? Living by God’s own nature is once again our focus of today’s life study of the Bible.

30 Apr 2022 Hebrews (Program #66)

Hebrews (Program #66) – Living According to the Law of Life and Moving According to the Anointing

Today, we will see in the book of Hebrews the crucial need of Christians today is not more teaching from the Bible, neither is it more power in the miraculous realm. The crucial need of Christians today is to know Christ in an inward way, to live Him, and to become the sons of God.

Hebrews and Romans make clear that God’s intention is to have genuine sons from among men. But, God is a divine being while we are merely human beings. This presents a major obstacle to the accomplishment of God’s purpose. The inner working of the divine life within us is our focus of today’s life study of the Bible.

29 Apr 2022 Hebrews (Program #65)

Hebrews (Program #65) – Being Conformed to the Image of the Firstborn Son by the Working of the Law of Life

The central thought of the whole Bible is “God wants to have many sons for His expression”. Stay tuned today to hear how we can cooperate with God in His wonderful purpose.

Hebrews, though written to an entirely different group of believers, picks up one of the central themes of the book of Romans, and that is, bringing many sons into glory. But, this thought is not just common between these two great books of the new testament; it’s a central thought of the entire divine revelation. Simply, this is God’s great desire and plan for us. It will also be our focus on today’s life study of the Bible.

14 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program #19)

Hebrews (Program #19) – The Remaining Sabbath Rest (2)

After six days of His creating work, God rested. The Sabbath has been a topic of intense interest to some Christians and widely ignored and misunderstood by others. But to see the Sabbath in the clear revelation of God’s purpose is truly marvelous. We’ll focus again today on the real Sabbath rest for God and for man on the life study of the Bible.

What is meant by this term “the corporate Christ”?   In the Gospels, what we see is the individual Christ but this individual Christ, this wonderful Person whom we love, He passed through death and He entered into resurrection. And in resurrection, He produced the Body of Christ. Now, when we talk about the corporate Christ, we’re referring to the Christ that we see in the Epistles after Christ’s resurrection. This Christ is the corporate Christ. In resurrection, He became the Head of the Body. Also the New Testament shows us that Christ is not only the Head of the Body, He is the Body of the Head. more…

04 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program #9)

Hebrews (Program #9) – The Captain of Salvation (1)

God’s goal is not to bring us to heaven. The goal of God’s salvation is to bring us into the very glory which in Christ has been sown into us at the time of our regeneration. Christ is many things to His saved ones. We may appreciate Him as our Savior and our Redeemer or may be even as our friend. But Hebrews unveils Him as the Captain of our Salvation. We’ll see Him as the fighting captain in today’s life study of the Bible.

Logically, we think that for salvation you need a savior or a redeemer but why do we need a captain for our salvation?

We need to make it emphatically clear that we surely need Christ as the Savior and we absolutely need Christ as the Redeemer. There’s no way to be saved without this personal Savior, the God-man. And we surely need Him as the Redeemer who bought us back with His precious blood and has brought us back to God that we may enjoy God as everything to us in Christ as the Spirit. Regrettably, many believers have a shallow even elementary concept of salvation. If we understand salvation merely as a rescue from hell to heaven then we don’t really need a captain. We just need a savior and a redeemer, one who allegedly who brings us out of the likelihood of going to hell and brings us to heaven. However, the goal of God’s salvation is not heaven. We are told in the book of Hebrews that God is bringing many sons into glory. For this we need a captain. Why? more…

22 Jan 2022 2 Thessalonians (Program #5)

2 Thessalonians (Program #5) – Chosen by God Unto Salvation in Sanctification of the Spirit (1)

After speaking of the Lord’s second coming and our being gathered to Him in some detail. The apostle Paul comes back to a word of further encouragement in 2 Thesssalonians chapter 2.  Surely it was in his heart to point the new believers in Thessalinica to God’s purpose in His selection of them with the goal of sanctifying them. His sweet word in verse 13 sets the tone for this loving word of encouragement. “But we ought to thank God always concerning you, brothers beloved of the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning unto salvation in sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.”
