Blog Archives

24 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #130)

Genesis (Program #130) – Joseph’s Dealing with His Brothers

Once again our life study is dealing with Joseph at the end of Genesis, a message from chapter 42 awaits us.

We have a message today that really is a continuation of our last program.  The story of Joseph and how we have been so marvelously seeing him as a perfect and full type of Christ.

23 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #129)

Genesis (Program #129) – The Reigning Aspect of the Matured Israel (4)

Once again today our life study covers the matter of Joseph and his reigning in the final stage of his life.  This is the first part of a two part message today, where Joseph in the final stage of his experience fully typifies Christ and it’s a wonderful picture.  To summarize briefly, the story of Joseph and his brothers, emphasizing how the whole world came to be under famine and all have to come to Joseph for the supply…

22 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #128)

Genesis (Program #128) – The Secret of Joseph’s Release and Exaltation

We have today a marvelous and even special life study before us.  This is a wonderful story with a lot of spiritual significance for us.  For the benefit of those that are not that familiar with the story, a quick overview…

Concerning Joseph, we should realize that he is a full and complete type of Christ.  Joseph’s life is characterized by two matters; dreams and suffering.   He saw dreams and he spoke about them this led to suffering.  Eventually his suffering brought him to prison, where he remained for quite a period of time.  However, he remained faithful to his dreams.  He was used by God to interpret the dreams of others and eventually by speaking forth the interpretation of the dreams, he was released from the prison…

21 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #127)

Genesis (Program #127) – The Reigning Aspect of the Matured Israel (3)

Our life study of Genesis today will give us a full and complete picture of Christ.  As we once again examine the life of Joseph.   How is it that we’ve seen Christ in so many of the Old Testament saints in this life study of Genesis?  We are going to have another type of Christ today…

20 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #126)

Genesis (Program #126) – The Reigning Aspect of the Matured Israel (2)

We are viewing once again, Joseph as a full and complete type of our Savior Christ.  How is it that we have seen Christ in so many of the Old Testament saints in this life study of Genesis?

19 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #125)

Genesis (Program #125) – Joseph’s Living Corresponding with His Vision

Today we are going to look at Joseph and I think that nearly every child that has gone to Sunday school has probably loved the story of Joseph.  He seems to be such an attractive figure.  But the real spiritual attribute or characteristic of his life symbolizes much more than just another hero of the Old Testament.

18 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #124)

Genesis (Program #124) – The Reigning Aspect of the Matured Israel (1)

Today we come back to Joseph again in the aspect of his maturity in Christ.  Joseph is a very special character in the Bible, a full type of Christ.  But one that must be seen together with his father Jacob to fully appreciate his significance.  What does this mean as we study these men of the Old Testament that we have seen so much of in this past month?

17 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #123)

Genesis (Program #123) – The Manifestation of Maturity (7)

We have a wonderful and touching life study today when we see Jacob at the end of his life near his departure.

Describing Jacob’s spiritual experience throughout the whole of his life, Witness Lee uses the metaphor of a great runner or racer.  When it started very slowly but finished in a strong and marvelous way.  How does this applies to Jacob?

16 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #122)

Genesis (Program #122) – The Ultimate Consummation of God’s Operation in the Bible

As this book is the book of all the seeds of the truth contained in the Bible.  The conclusion of this chapter must correspond with the conclusion of the whole Bible.  At the end of the whole Bible, we all can see in the last two chapters of Revelation there are two main things; the universal blessing and the eternal dwelling of God with man.  The blessing is universal and the dwelling is eternal…

15 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #121)

Genesis (Program #121) – The Spiritual Significance of Joseph and Benjamin (3)

If you had previously thought that God’s plan was just to take us to heaven, you would most definitely want to stay with us for another marvelous life study of Genesis with Witness Lee.   God’s plan is much higher than that as we will see in today’s message.  We have a life study today that may challenge some of our old understandings of God’s ultimate plan for us.

Today brings us to the final of the nine programs that we devoted to this chapter.  It’s going to conclude today with a further word regarding God and man’s mutual habitation, the New Jerusalem.   Many Christians today are not that familiar with this term the New Jerusalem yet it certainly is found in the Bible.  But they are very comfortable with the term and the concept of heaven.   Are these two things the same?
