Blog Archives

25 May 2023 Genesis (Program #70)

Genesis (Program #70) – The Offering of Isaac (3)

Today we have the second message from chapter 22 of Genesis, and an absolutely marvelous picture of the offering of Isaac by Abraham.  Last time we saw that there was so much significance to this type.   We want to review some of the divine implications of all that is happening in this chapter.

25 May 2023 John (Program #21)

John (Program #21) – The Need of the Hungry – Life’s Feeding (1)

When Christ came to this earth, he didn’t come to be a giant in religion. He was born in a small manger. He came from a lowly family. He was a small carpenter. This meant that he was approachable and available to every man to be man’s life supply.

We come to a new section in the gospel of John today.  Chapter 6 brings us to the well-known story of the Lord feeding of the thousands with the five loaves and two small fish.  There are so many pictures portrait in this chapter.

24 May 2023 John (Program #20)

John (Program #20) – The Need of the Impotent – Life’s Enlivening

God never intended to have a religion. Actually, religion is to worship God, to serve God, and to live for God without Christ. This shows us that even today as Christians, we can have Christ just in terminology, but we may not have Christ as our living reality.

24 May 2023 Genesis (Program #69)

Genesis (Program #69) – The Offering of Isaac (2)

We have a picture of Abraham and Isaac and their mutual experience going up Mount Moriah in Genesis 22 and all of the rich significance it holds for us even the New Testament believers.

23 May 2023 John (Program #19)

John (Program #19) – The Need of the Dying – Life’s Healing

The Spirit of Life imparts the divine life into our whole being to defeat death, to heal us from our dying condition, and to make us a being full of the life of God.

We’ve been examining the marvelous and well-known cases in John 3 and 4 of the moral and righteous teacher Nicodemus, then the thirsty sinful woman that the Lord encountered in Samaria. Today we’re dealing with the royal official’s dying son at the end of chapter 4.

23 May 2023 Genesis (Program #68)

Genesis (Program #68) – The Offering of Isaac (1)

Today especially, we have a very enjoyable life study – the story of Abraham and his offering of Isaac from Genesis chapter 22.

22 May 2023 John (Program #18)

John (Program #18) – The Need of the Immoral – Life’s Satisfying (2)

There is quite a sharp contrast between the Lord’s way and the way I would call religion severity. His way was gentle, wise, divine, and I would say humane. What a wise Savior we have!

In our last program, we fellowshipped about the first part of John 4 and the woman at the well not being satisfied. The Lord told her that if she continued to drink of that water, she would never be satisfied. This is evidence by the fact that she went from husband to husband. And even the one that she was with at the time, she was not married to. This is a thirsty, thirsty woman. And what the Lord offered her was not religion, but Himself as another kind of water, living water. Isn’t this what the Lord is saying to all of us in that we never seemed to be satisfied?

22 May 2023 Genesis (Program #67)

Genesis (Program #67) – The Birth and Growth of Isaac

In our message today, we come to the birth and growth of Isaac, the seed that God promised both to Abraham and to Sarah.  This was a great thing for both of them.  We are going to see that actually there were three potential seeds.   Who are these three and briefly what did each of them signify?

21 May 2023 John (Program #17)

John (Program #17) – The Need of the Immoral – Life’s Satisfying (1)

Many people today have a hunger inside of them. They can’t be satisfied. So the second need of man after we receive the eternal life is to enjoy eternal life, and to drink of the eternal life until the eternal life becomes in us a well of water springing up.

In yesterday’s broadcast, Witness spoke from John chapter 3, concerning the increase of Christ and the immeasurable Christ.  Today we continue our life study of the gospel of John with the case of the Samaritan woman in chapter 4, showing how the divine life meets the need of the immoral by the satisfaction of the living water.

21 May 2023 Genesis (Program #66)
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Genesis (Program #66) – The Hidden Weakness and a Shameful Intercession

Today we are going to follow Abraham again but this time in a journey that’s headed in the wrong direction. He had such glorious experiences and spiritual attainments in the previous two chapters 18 and 19, and now he really stumbles.
