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13 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #48)

Exodus (Program #48) – Amalek Versus Kingship

Sin is a wicked and despicable thing.  The Bible condemn sin and as believers we must also condemn.  But sin is not the only enemy that we face in the Christian life.  In fact it may not even be the biggest enemy.  So then what constitute the main hindrance to believers and what is God’s remedy?

As we continue to look at Amalek, a formidable and very resilient adversary for God’s Old Testament people.  Formidable indeed.   We appreciate a faithful ministry that not only unveils Christ but exposes the flesh and applies the cross to it according to the divine revelation.  So we look to the Lord to bless this program and our fellowship so that the real seekers of the Lord and His Word, who had been hindered by the flesh for so long may receive life, grace and life supply that they may overcome and press on with the Lord to the consummation of His economy.
