Tag-Archive for ◊ dispensation ◊

03 Apr 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #35)

1 Corinthians (Program #35) – Dealing with Marriage Life (3)

When the Lord Jesus was on the earth, it was very hard for those around Him to discern that what He was speaking was actually God’s word. Because unlike the prophets of the Old Testament He spoke as a normal man with normal language and never one time does the Bible record Him using the phrase “doth saith the Lord”. Yet He was the Lord and every one of His word was the word of God. What set Him apart from those of the Old Testament dispensation was incarnation. He wasn’t just speaking for God in the way of prophesy, He was God.  God incarnated to be a man. This principle of incarnation is the unique characteristic of the whole New Testament. Not just man under the influence or inspiration of the Spirit speaking for God but man so one with God in their life, in their living and even in their speaking that their words were God’s words.

1 Corinthians 7 is the chapter that illustrate this principle of incarnation. Not only is it applied to the Lord Jesus but even as it applied to the apostles and the apostle Paul specifically.

20 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #62)

Romans (Program #62) – The Dispensation of the Triune God According to His Righteousness, through His Holiness, and Unto His Glory

Today we’ve come to a message that’s has to do with the attributes of God, particularly His righteousness, His holiness and His glory.

The message of Romans is how God’s full salvation not only saves us from eternal perdition but bring us all the way into glorious expression. This is the Gospel of God in Romans.

A marvelous message looking at some of the attributes of God, three particularly and these involved us directly and those are His righteousness, His holiness and His glory. more…

19 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #61)

Romans (Program #61) – The Dispensation of the Triune God for the Fulfillment of His Purpose

Today we come to one of the treasures hidden in the depths of God’s word. God work to change or transform man fully into His image can only be accomplished through a process. This process is sometimes call God’s economy or God’s dispensation. What is it all about?

We use the word “dispensing” before on this program but we are really going to focus on it today. What the Biblical background for this word.  Does it ever appear directly in the New Testament?

15 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #51)

Acts (Program #51) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (17)

We’re going to hear reference in the program today to a mixture that was present in the Church in Jerusalem. Even a mixture to some degree in the Word of the Apostle James. We want to be clear we’re not condemning or criticizing the Word of God, but simply looking at how the divine record, the Holy Word, has presented the condition that existed at that time. What is this mixture regarding and what kind of influence did it have on the early Church, particularly in Jerusalem?

This mixture is really a mixture of God’s New Testament economy with the Old Testament dispensation. It’s a mixture of Christ with things that are out of date. Many things in the Old Testament, in fact the entire Old Testament, with all the types, the figures, the shadows, and the prophecies – all pointed us to Christ…

01 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #37)

Acts (Program #37) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (3)

The book of Acts has been described as the backbone of the Bible. Of course, it stands between the Gospels and the Epistles, and chronicles many fascinating and inspiring events. But fundamentally, this book portrays the great turn in God’s move or the transfer from one dispensation to another. Stay with us today as we explore the great transfer in the book of Acts in this life study of the Bible.

06 May 2023 John (Program #2)

John (Program #2) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (2)

The experience of Christ as life is in the realization of Christ being God himself dispensed into our being. This is life.

We all have to know, Christ is life, the Church is the building, but still what is life? You should say, life is Christ. But we should realize to such an extent that Christ as life to us is just God Himself dispensed into our very being.

25 Feb 2022 Hebrews (Program #2)

Hebrews (Program #2) – God Has Spoken

Hebrews is a book of God’s speaking. Do you have God’s speaking? Listen today to find out how you can receive light, life and power from God’s speaking in the Son. The book of Hebrews begins with God’s speaking. Speaking is the way a living person makes himself known. Without doubt, we have a living God desiring to make Himself known to men.

It’s interesting that this mysterious book opens with God’s speaking and a contrast to His speaking in the Old Testament dispensation with that of His speaking in the New Testament. What is the primary distinction? Hebrews is a book of God’s speaking; it doesn’t acknowledge an author to emphasize the point that it is the speaking of God to His people. The main point of the book of Hebrews is to help those who had heard His Old Testament speaking to realize that He has a New Testament speaking. more…

25 Jan 2022 1 Timothy (Program #1)

1 Timothy (Program #1) – God’s Dispensation versus Differing Teachings

The book of 1 Timothy was written during a period of decline and even degradation in the Church. And interestingly the apostle Paul takes the opportunity to point out a clear distinction between the central focus of the New Testament and general, random Christians teachings.  And remarkably very few Bible readers have ever taken notice of these important verses. Listen to 1 Timothy Chapter 1:3-4 “.. I exhorted you, when I was going into Macedonia,” Paul writes to Timothy, “to remain in Ephesus in order that you might charge certain ones not to teach different things. Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than God’s economy, which is in faith.

What are these different teachings that are versus God’s economy?  We will explore this marvelous, broad and critically important topic in the coming days and weeks in this new life study of 1 & 2 Timothy.
