Tag-Archive for ◊ hypocrisy ◊

27 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #63)

Acts (Program #63) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (29)

The Apostle Paul, God’s righteous servant, finds himself in a kind of courtroom being accused before the Roman governor by a professional orator, an attorney of great skill. Yet, Paul again seizes the opportunity to stand against corrupt politics and the hypocrisy of the day’s religion. Stay with us today as we see a faithful and sure word from the book of Acts that has a piercing relevance to the situation today on the life study of the Bible.

27 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #27)

Luke (Program #27) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (6)

Consider for a moment the religions of the world whether or not you agree with the various approaches in teachings, it’s fair to say that all religions begin of good intentions and noble ideals.  But inevitably, one common condition befalls all religions over time – hypocrisy.  The difference between those high ideals and teachings and the eventual practices and living of its adherence.  The one striking exception to this universal is the life and the living of the Lord Jesus Christ.  His living on earth was in stark contrast to the hypocrisy of the religion of that day and the reality of His divine life live out in His members remains in the same contrast today.  As we fellowship on chapter 12 of Luke and three warnings that we are going to get into today.

17 Dec 2022 Matthew (Program #61)

Matthew (Program #61) – Rebuking of the Jewish Religionists and Forsaking Jerusalem with Its Temple

Hypocrisy, Webster defines it as the act or practice of pretending to be what one is not.  Today we are covering Matthew chapter 23 and you want to stay with us because we are going to see what the Lord Jesus say to the religious ones of His days about their hypocrisy.   As we get into chapter 23 to look at this very striking message.
