Tag-Archive for ◊ interceding ◊

25 Apr 2024 Exodus (Program #167)

Exodus (Program #167) – A Companion of God – Propitiating for the People, Interceding, Bargaining With God

In Genesis, Abraham is called the friend of God.  And in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus referred to His disciples with the same intimate expression.  But in Exodus, God called Moses not just His friend but His companion.  As a  companion, Moses became God’s associate, His partner in pursue of a single enterprise.  How can we become God’s partner?  We will look at this intriguing question today.

04 Apr 2024 Exodus (Program #146)

Exodus (Program #146) – The Propitiation Silver (2) Formation of An Army, Need of Maturity, Interceding at the Incense Altar

After God presented the plan for the building of His portal dwelling place, the tabernacle, He then set forth provisions for its care and maintenance.  First was the offering of a half shekel of silver, a kind of tax levy upon all the adult males.  Then the same ones were to be drafted to form an army to fight for God’s move.  These same provisions are necessary today for God’s move to be carried out on earth and we will look at both on this life study of the Bible.

30 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #141)

Exodus (Program #141) – The Golden Incense Altar (2) Need for Intercession and Prayer Life of the Corporate Christ

Romans 8:34 tells us that right now Christ is at the right hand of God interceding for us.  Intercession is an interesting word.  Of course, the common definition is prayer.  But the kind of prayer Christ is offering on behalf of us is not just common prayer.  The incense altar in the tabernacle in Exodus typifies this specific and most meaningful prayer.  Today we will see that Christ is waiting for us to join Him at the real altar of incense.

27 Feb 2023 Zechariah (Program #2)

Zechariah (Program #2) – The Visions of Consolation and Promise (1)

The New Testament tells us that Christ today is in the heavens as the Great High Priest interceding always for us continually before the throne of God. For all of us as believers, this is the most encouraging and comforting realization of Christ. But interestingly, this aspect of His ministry can be seen not just in the New Testament book of Hebrews but also in the Old Testament visions of the prophet Zechariah. In fact, the book of Zechariah is full of visions that reveal Christ in His sweet comfort, care and encouragement for His suffering people.

24 Dec 2021 Colossians (Program #45)

Colossians (Program #45) – The Renewing of the New Man

Here is an interesting question for us to ponder. Just what is Christ doing today? We all know that following His resurrection and ascension into glory, He was seated at the right hand of throne of God in the heavens. Well, does that mean He is just resting there? Or is He actively involved in the carrying out of God’s eternal plan and purpose?  Hebrews tell us that He’s very busy, in fact, interceding, that means praying on our behalf to God the Father. And, there’s more that He’s engaged in as we’ll see today.
