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02 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #6)

Exodus (Program #6) – God’s Calling of the Prepared One (2)

At the age of 40 when he was just in his prime, God called Moses.  But God did not employ him in that calling for another 40 years.  By now Moses is an old man, drained of both his strength of body as well as strength of soul.  Yet this was the time God could use him for His purpose.  God’s preparation of Moses, the one sent by God to deliver His people is one of the most revealing and illuminating stories in the Bible because it fully applies to us.

Firstly we are going to see the purpose of God’s calling.  In another words,  God has called each of us as believers in Christ, but what is the purpose of that calling?   Then number 2, we want to see how God prepares us to be His called ones, and to be His sent ones to accomplish His purpose.  This is seen in the way God called Moses and the way God prepared Moses to be His sent one.  Again this would be very applicable to us in our Christian life.
