Tag-Archive for ◊ running the race ◊

07 Apr 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #39)

1 Corinthians (Program #39) – The Type of Israel

The Bible contains two histories. The history of Israel in the Old Testament and the history of the church in the New Testament. Actually these two histories are really one story. The history of Israel a type, a shadow while the church is the fulfillment, the reality.

In many of his writings the apostle Paul used the Old Testament as a book of types and pictures to help illustrate the New Testament economy that he was entrusted to preach.

In 1 Corinthians 5 he mentioned the Old Testament passover as our type of New Testament experience of redemption. In chapter 9 and 10 he again picks up the Old Testament to show us a pattern .

First, of our running the race that is our Christians life. Then as a picture of both aspects of our baptism by water and by the Spirit. And finally as a negative pattern regarding the possibility of the genuine, redeemed children of God could ultimately failed to overcome in their Christian life and missed the prize of the reward that is typified by the good land. This is a strong word, a word of warning, which we, like the Corinth believers should heed.

14 Apr 2022 Hebrews (Program #50)

Hebrews (Program #50) – Run the Race

You know it’s very important that we, believers in Christ, realize that we’re not just forgiven sinners that are waiting to go to heaven. There is a race for us to run, and there is a goal for us to reach.

At least four different times, the apostle Paul likened the Christian life to a race that we need to run. As we walk in spirit, we are also running this race with a great cloud of heavenly onlookers urging us to the finish line, with the promise of great reward to those who finish. We will look at the universal race on today’s life study of the Bible.

12 Apr 2022 Hebrews (Program #48)

Hebrews (Program #48) – The History of Faith and Its Witnesses

In sports, there is a universal factor called the “home court advantage”. The competitors gain a distinct advantage by the cheering and encouragement of an arena full of fans. Have you ever realized that such is the case in our own running the race of the Christian life?
