Archive for August 31st, 2023

31 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #35)

Exodus (Program #35) -The Heavenly Diet—Manna (1)

Listen to these brief words from Exodus chapter 16, “in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp.  And when the layer of dew lifted, there upon the surface of the wilderness were fine round flakes, fine as the frost on the earth.  And when the children of Israel saw it, they said to one another, What is it? For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them, It is the bread which Jehovah has given you to eat.”  It is easy to see why the people ask “what is it?”  They needed what we need; vision and revelation as we touch the matter of manna, the unique food for God’s people.  In this broadcast will be a tremendous help to us in our Christian journey to fulfill God’s eternal purpose.

31 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #67)

Acts (Program #67) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (33)

The book of Acts reveal the outward trials and life-threatening events that confronted the Apostle Paul. Yet, hidden within these interesting stories are periods of absolute seclusion and reflection by the Apostle. What role did these periods play in the eventual unfolding of God’s plan for His people in the pages of the New Testament. We will look today at some of the great writings of the Bible and how God used every circumstance in the life of His chosen servant to bring to life his New Testament economy.
