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21 Mar 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #22)

1 Corinthians (Program #22) – Feeding, Drinking, Eating, Planting, Watering, Growing

The believers in the church of Corinth that Paul was writing to in 1 Corinthians had a number of problems. But not just problems that could be remedy by giving them advice or spiritual counsel. The apostle spoke to them in a very strong way in chapter three telling them that they are infants, fleshy and even fleshly. These are symptoms of a very poor spiritual condition.

But after such a sober word he proceeds to show them the way out of such spiritual poverty not by teaching them but by giving them many marvelous expressions all pointing them to their real lack which was to eat and drink of Christ and to become planters, feeders and waterers in the Body of Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:2 & 6, “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, for you were not yet able to receive it. ….. I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth.

We can’t have too much eating, drinking, enjoying of our dear Lord Jesus.

10 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #45)

Exodus (Program #45) – Flowing the Water of Life

Exodus 17 is a chapter of the Old Testament that contains a seed of one of the great truths of the New Testament Christian experience. Listen to verse 3, “So the people thirsted there for water, and the people murmured against Moses…” but the Lord said to Moses in verse 6, “I will be standing before you there upon the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water shall come out of it so that the people may drink…” The Apostle Paul in the New Testament tells us that this rock and this drink are Christ. Drinking the living water is our focus today in this life study of the Bible.

Today we have a marvelous topic – Drinking the living water! We want to look again at this matter of drinking and flowing of the living water. We have some tremendous topic this week on drinking, today, we really want to see the counterpart of drinking which is the flowing out. There’s a wonderful verse in the gospel of John that brings both of these matters together. more…

09 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #44)

Exodus (Program #44) – Drinking the Water of Life (2)

Not all divine secrets in the Bible are revealed in a clear and evident way.  Sometimes God reveals His secrets in a hidden way.  The Bible contains many such hidden secrets that require the Lord’s shining to see clearly.  For example, the Bible commands man to believe in order to be saved, but where does it tell us how to believe?  The Bible also tells us to eat and drink of Christ, but how do we eat and how do we drink?  Don’t miss this classic presentation on this life study.

Yesterday, we saw very strikingly that eating and drinking in the Bible are not simply metaphors for us to contemplate.  They are genuine, crucial matters revealed in Scripture.  The Lord clearly said in John that if we don’t know how to eat and drink, we will not have the eternal life in us in a practical way.  It seems that all of us as Christians need to pay our full attention to these matters.

08 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #43)

Exodus (Program #43) – Drinking the Water of Life (1)

Sometimes the most obvious things in life are the easiest to overlook.  This is often also the case with the Bible.  Have you ever noticed it begins with man’s food and water and it ends the same way in Revelation.  Revelation 22, the last chapter of the Bible shows us a river of water of life and on this side and on that side of the river is the tree of life.  If we miss the matter of eating and drinking in the Bible, we miss a major portion of what God desires to reveal to man.

In a sense the Bible ends the way it began; a flowing river and the tree of life.  In fact what man takes in has a lot of implications.

30 Nov 2021 Colossians (Program #21)

Colossians (Program #21) – Christ the Body of All Shadows and Christ versus Mysticism

Paul the Apostle is marvelous in his writing in the book of Colossians. He begins with a universal presentation of Christ, and not just Christ, but Christ in us the hope of glory. But then he turns and becomes very practical in leading us into the genuine experience of such a Christ. Listen to verses 16 and 17 in Chapter 2, “Let no one therefore judge you in eating and in drinking or in respect of a feast or of a new moon or of the Sabbath, which are a shadow of the things to come, but the body is of Christ”. Here, he begins to remove things like the law and angels and anything else that represents God to us in an indirect way. For God’s desire is that nothing stands between us and Him no matter how good or how religious it may seem.
