Tag-Archive for ◊ living water ◊

07 Apr 2024 Exodus (Program #149)

Exodus (Program #149) – The Holy Anointing Oil (1) Significances

Many Christians realize that the book of Exodus gives us many types of the Savior Jesus Christ.  It’s here that we see Him as the Passover Lamb, the Heavenly Manna and the Living Water.  But another marvelous type has been nearly missed by Bible scholars and interpreters through the ages, yet God has recovered it for all of His seekers in these days.  Please set the next 30 minutes aside for an unveiling of the holy anointing oil on today’s life study of the Bible.

10 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #45)

Exodus (Program #45) – Flowing the Water of Life

Exodus 17 is a chapter of the Old Testament that contains a seed of one of the great truths of the New Testament Christian experience. Listen to verse 3, “So the people thirsted there for water, and the people murmured against Moses…” but the Lord said to Moses in verse 6, “I will be standing before you there upon the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water shall come out of it so that the people may drink…” The Apostle Paul in the New Testament tells us that this rock and this drink are Christ. Drinking the living water is our focus today in this life study of the Bible.

Today we have a marvelous topic – Drinking the living water! We want to look again at this matter of drinking and flowing of the living water. We have some tremendous topic this week on drinking, today, we really want to see the counterpart of drinking which is the flowing out. There’s a wonderful verse in the gospel of John that brings both of these matters together. more…

06 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #41)

Exodus (Program #41) – The Living Water Out of the Smitten Rock (2)

As Christians, from time to time we pass through stages of spiritual dryness.  We just can’t seen to find the flowing and satisfying water that previously has wonderfully quench our inner thirst.  Actually God will lead His people to such a dry place to test them.  For when we are short of this living water our real inner condition is surely exposed.  Such was the case with His people Israel as they journeyed in the wilderness following Jehovah God in Exodus 17.

Today we are going to join the children of Israel now some two months after their miraculous deliverance from Egypt.  They experienced many miracles by this time and they are being led day by day by this pillar of cloud and at night a pillar of fire into and through the wilderness.  They’ve come now to a place seemingly without any water to sustain them.

05 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #40)

Exodus (Program #40) – The Living Water Out of the Smitten Rock (1)

When the children of Israel were in bondage, they cried out and Jehovah God heard their cry and rescued them.  When they were hungry, He heard their cry and sent them manna, bread from heaven.  Exodus 17 shows us the story of God providing  another necessity of life; water, to sustain and satisfy.  Stay with us as we enjoy another marvelous view of our Savior God taking care of His people on today’s life study of the Bible.

We return to Moses and the children of Israel.  This time murmuring to God and murmuring to Moses because of their thirst.

We come to the rock that was sovereignly waiting for the children of Israel.  The Lord led them to this place to another great miracle that has very much to do with, as we are going to find out, our own experience.  Let’s read this portion that we are going to be talking about for several programs that are coming up in the days immediately ahead. more…

22 May 2023 John (Program #18)

John (Program #18) – The Need of the Immoral – Life’s Satisfying (2)

There is quite a sharp contrast between the Lord’s way and the way I would call religion severity. His way was gentle, wise, divine, and I would say humane. What a wise Savior we have!

In our last program, we fellowshipped about the first part of John 4 and the woman at the well not being satisfied. The Lord told her that if she continued to drink of that water, she would never be satisfied. This is evidence by the fact that she went from husband to husband. And even the one that she was with at the time, she was not married to. This is a thirsty, thirsty woman. And what the Lord offered her was not religion, but Himself as another kind of water, living water. Isn’t this what the Lord is saying to all of us in that we never seemed to be satisfied?

21 May 2023 John (Program #17)

John (Program #17) – The Need of the Immoral – Life’s Satisfying (1)

Many people today have a hunger inside of them. They can’t be satisfied. So the second need of man after we receive the eternal life is to enjoy eternal life, and to drink of the eternal life until the eternal life becomes in us a well of water springing up.

In yesterday’s broadcast, Witness spoke from John chapter 3, concerning the increase of Christ and the immeasurable Christ.  Today we continue our life study of the gospel of John with the case of the Samaritan woman in chapter 4, showing how the divine life meets the need of the immoral by the satisfaction of the living water.

09 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #33)

Isaiah (Program #33) – The Springs of Salvation

In the Bible, water is used as a picture of how God conveys even flows His divine life into man.   There are numerous such references in both the Old and New Testaments.  In the gospel of John, for example we hear Christ Himself proclaimed “out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.  In the Old Testament, the book of Issac also contains many references to this living water.
