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18 May 2024 2 Corinthians (Program #25)

2 Corinthians (Program #25) – The Essence of the New Covenant Ministry (2)

It’s always interesting and most often enlightening when we compare what’s become the common practice in the realm of Christian work to the Bible itself. It’s natural to take many things for granted, simply because it has become common or ordinary. But one of the things that we try to do on this program is to challenge the common and ordinary thought and to check ourselves and our concepts with the Bible.

For example today it’s quite common to speak of the varies ministries. In fact we all become comfortable with this or that Christian worker speaking about his or her ministry. But if you check carefully in the pages of the New Testament this thought is just not present.

Yes, there is such a thing as ministry but it is called the ministry or this ministry and only once in the entire New Testament do we find the term ministries. So what is this ministry and in what sense does the Bible refer to the plural term ministries?

14 Jul 2022 1 John (Program #22)

1 John (Program #22) – The Anointing and the Antichrists

In this age when so many people are talking about events related to the end times as prophesied in the Bible. You hear a lot of talk and speculation concerning this infamous personality that will play a major part in those events.

Christians and even interested believers commonly used the name Antichrist to identify this one. Actually though this term is Biblical it can only be found in two books out of the sixty-six in the Bible. And those two are 1 and 2 John. But it’s interesting to examine how John uses this title. It may surprise you to hear that there had been many Antichrists that had already been come and gone. Yes, there is one coming whom the Bible speaks of at the end times. But for our need today we should be very clear about the real meaning of the term Antichrist.
