Blog Archives

02 Mar 2023 Zechariah (Program #5)

Zechariah (Program #5) – The Visions of Consolation and Promise (4)

Zechariah is full of mysterious visions revealing Christ. Listen to the first four verses from Zechariah chapter 4, “Then the angel who spoke with me returned and roused me as a a man is roused from his sleep. And he said to me, What do you see? And I said, I see that there is a lampstand all of gold, with its bowl on top of it and its seven lamps upon it, with seven pipes for each of the lamps on top of it; And there are two olive trees beside it, one to the right of the bowl and one to the left. And I answered and spoke to the angel who spoke with me saying, What are these, sir?”

28 Feb 2023 Mark (Program #59)

Mark (Program #59) – A Life Fully According To and For God’s New Testament Economy (19)

During the last few months we have been given a memorable and wonderfully clear picture of “A Life Fully According To and For God’s New Testament Economy” as it is portrayed through the gospel of Mark.

This life embodied in our precious Lord Jesus in the gospels is developed through out the entire New Testament, ultimately a peak is reached in the book of Revelation, as we see the final consummation of God’s economy in the New Jerusalem. That final consummation is no longer just a picture of God or Christ alone, but we also as His redeemed and regenerated people are included. What a transformation from our pitiful fallen condition at the time we first received His saving grace to the glorious outcome that awaits all of us to participate in for eternity.

19 Feb 2023 Mark (Program #50)

Mark (Program #50) – A Life Fully According To and For God’s New Testament Economy (7)

The book of Mark impresses us with God’s economy, which is God’s desire to saturate us with Christ.

02 Feb 2023 Daniel (Program #16)

Daniel (Program #16) – The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (6)

Anyone who has ever studied history realizes that throughout the ages Israel has been a land of wars and destruction.  Yet it survives and even today after so much turmoil but once again it is the center of the world’s attention and occupies so much space in our newspapers and newscasts.

Daniel saw prophetically that Israel will be such a land of distress.  He also saw how God’s purpose and His people will ultimately prevail as Christ Himself will come to that very place to rule and reign on this earth for a thousand years.

29 Jan 2023 Daniel (Program #12)

Daniel (Program #12) – God’s Economy in the Book of Daniel

Though the book of Daniel in the Old Testament is a short book.  It has many points with  many events and many persons each with their own spiritual lesson and significance. But we should always be mindful that the real focus of this book as it is in every book of the Bible is Christ.  And in Daniel specifically the Christ of God’s economy. To bring us all into this view of Daniel and of Christ is the goal of this ministry. Because it truly is a view that can not only change or deepen our understanding of the Bible, it can affect our whole life as well as a believer.

The very first message in the life-study of Daniel shows us that this book gives us 5 main points concerning Christ.  This is somewhat a review program today of this 5 items in the book of Daniel.

27 Jan 2023 Daniel (Program #10)

Daniel (Program #10) – The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (2)

“The Ancient of Days sits upon His throne.” This is a word from Daniel.  Today we want to consider further the visions of Daniel in chapter 7 concerning the four beasts out of the Mediterranean sea.  We have previously seen that these four beast are dreadful and terrible doing whatever they desire as if there was no God in the universe.  However these chapter reveals that the Ancient of Days is still on the throne.

25 Jan 2023 Daniel (Porgram #8)

Daniel (Program #8) – The Victory of the Young Descendants of of God’s Degraded Elect (6)

The Old testament book of Daniel is of course one of the great story books in the Bible.  Children and adults alike love these stories and the inspiration that countless believers have derived from them from over the years. But much more than just wonderful and inspiring stories, these chapters convey tremendous insights into God’s move on this earth in His economy.  This deeper view not only inspires us but it can compel us to join with God.  Not just to live a proper christian life but to actually become engaged with Him for the accomplishment of His eternal purpose.

23 Jan 2023 Daniel (Program #6)

Daniel (Program #6) – The Victory of the Young Descendants of of God’s Degraded Elect (4)

Daniel is a book of wonderful Bible stories but in reality these stories convey not just moral lessons for children. They convey the reality of God’s economy to us.

Daniel is a book that has a lot of dreams in it and we have another dream today that comes up in Daniel chapter 4.  In chapter 2 we have the dream of the great human image and really that is the central focus of this entire book. Now again today King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has a second dream….

29 Dec 2022 Ezekiel (Program #6)

Ezekiel (Program #6) – The Coordination of the Four Living Creatures (1)

The spiritual application of the mysterious vision in Ezekiel chapter 1 of the four living creatures is marvelous on many levels. First, it portrays Christ in various aspects; but more than just revealing aspects of Christ in this vision, we can see ourselves in God’s economy and how the various aspects of Christ become the genuine aspects of our experience of Him. Ultimately, God’s purpose and His move on earth are revealed in this vision. A vital key in our entering into God’s move is revealed in Ezekiel is the matter of the coordination typified by the four living creatures.

09 Dec 2022 Jeremiah (Program #16)

Jeremiah (Program #16) – A Full Picture of God’s Economy by His Dispensing

The book of Jeremiah reveals God’s righteous judgment upon His people, Israel, for their many sins and the idolatry that had overtaken them. But if we look carefully and consider this book in the light of the entire Bible, we see that in the midst of all this negative history, God’s economy – that is His desire to dispense Himself and His riches into His chosen people that they might be reconstituted with Him and become His very corporate expression, is also revealed. In the first pages of Jeremiah’s account, God commissions him to tell all the people that their greatest evil is that they have forsaken Him not as their Creator nor even as their God, but as the fountain of living waters.
