Tag-Archive for ◊ precious ◊

24 Jun 2023 John (Program #51)

John (Program #51) – Life in Resurrection (2)

We should treasure the way the Lord has ordained to be present with us now. May the Lord really open our eyes: that what is precious to God, that is the invisible, indwelling, pneumatic Christ, would also become precious to us.

In John 20 as in the Gospel of John as a whole, we see the Trinity both in His essence and in His economy. The Divine Trinity is a trinity of essence eternally that is the Father, Son, and Spirit coexist and co-inhere in the Godhead eternally. This is the Trinity in essence. But in order to have the fulfillment of God’s economy, the essential Trinity must function as the economical Trinity to pass through the process in order to, on the one hand, enter into God’s people, and on the other to bring God’s people, now redeemed and regenerated, into God. By the time we reach chapter 20, we have at least the initial completion of this process in which the very God who became a man and died for our redemption, in resurrection became the Spirit, so that, economically speaking, the Father, Son, and Spirit may indwell us.

07 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #1)

Psalms (Program #1) – An Introductory Word

Most believers are seem to have a particular love for the book of the Psalms. The Psalms, far more than just a random collection of Bible stories and doctrines, actually flow out of the deep feelings, expressions and experiences of godly men. And what flows out of these ones?  Though at times reflecting their human thought and concept, at other times expresses the deep and profound thought of God directly. God’s speaking through this book is full of the divine revelation and if we possess the keys to enter into this divine revelation, the Psalms will become even more precious more enlightening and will usher us all into God’s presence, His heart and especially His heart’s desire.

13 Jun 2022 2 Peter (Program #3)

2 Peter (Program #3) – The Divine Provision (3)

In a very real sense the first few verses of second Peter encapsulate much of how God will accomplished His eternal plan or economy. Beginning with the gift of faith, we have God’s righteousness, the righteousness of Christ, grace and peace being multiplied in the full knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Then the divine power operating in the believers in conjunction with their co-operation leading to their escape from lust. Then God’s own glory and virtues and our being called through them and to them. Further we have God’s precious and exceedingly great promises, all of which lead us to become partakers of His divine nature resulting ultimately in our transformation in full salvation. What a tremendous beginning to this short but thoroughly crucial portion of the holy word.

27 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #13)

1 Peter (Program #13) -Growth in Life and Its Results (3)

After establishing a marvelous, organic metaphor at the beginning of chapter 2 in his first epistle concerning our enjoyment of Christ in His word as the nourishing milk is to a new born babe, the apostle Peter suddenly changes the metaphor to something mineral; he picks up the thought of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah even quoting him in chapter 28:16 “Therefore thus says The Lord Jehovah: Indeed I lay a stone in Zion as a foundation, A tested stone, A precious cornerstone as a foundation firmly established; He who believes will not hasten away.”  Peter shows us that the same Christ who is the very milk in the word to the believers is also this stone; a tested, precious cornerstone for the foundation of God’s building.  But Peter then goes even further than Isaiah and points out that this stone chose by God and precious can also be a stone of stumbling or even a fence to those who don’t believe.

19 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #5)

1 Peter (Program #5) – The Full Salvation of the Triune God and Its Issues (3)

In his first epistle, the apostle Peter compared the testing or proving of our faith with the refining process that purifies gold.   Gold, precious and valuable as it is,  is still a perishable commodity.  Yet our faith must stand the test even of eternity.  Surely if something temporary such as gold must pass through the fire of refinement, our faith which is a far more precious possession must also be tested, refined, purified and proved.

28 Feb 2022 Hebrews (Program #5)

Hebrews (Program #5) – Heirs of Salvation

So here in Hebrews we have Christ as the ladder, we have the joint heirs as the components of the house, and, we have the angels ministering to us as we are in the process of being brought into the glory of God. When we have all this, we have the gate of heaven.

Destiny is a concept that occupies many seeking people. As Christians, we may believe that our destiny is just to be saved. But Hebrews reveals that as saved ones, our destiny is to become joint heirs with Christ. We will explore our destiny and our inheritance on today’s life study of Hebrews.

We’re going to begin today’s message by seeing a comparison of Hebrews and Revelation – two books that are often avoided by many Christians. Why is it that many serious believers don’t like to get into these two books that deeply? more…
